国际口腔医学杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (5): 591-595.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2017.05.020

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王婷, 葛少华   

  1. 山东大学口腔医院牙周科,山东省口腔组织再生重点实验室 济南 250012
  • 收稿日期:2016-11-13 修回日期:2017-06-26 出版日期:2017-09-01 发布日期:2017-09-01
  • 通讯作者: 葛少华,教授,博士,Email:shaohuage@sdu.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:王婷,学士,Email:1195400807@qq.com
  • 基金资助:


Research progress on the application of graphene oxide in the field of biomedicine

Wang Ting, Ge Shaohua.   

  1. Dept. of Periodontology, Hospital of Stomatology, Shandong University;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Oral Tissue Regeneration, Jinan 250012, China
  • Received:2016-11-13 Revised:2017-06-26 Online:2017-09-01 Published:2017-09-01
  • Supported by:

    ; This study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(81670993, 81371157).



关键词: 石墨烯, 氧化石墨烯, 药物传递, 组织工程, 抗菌抗炎, 不良反应


Graphene oxide(GO) is a chemically modified composite material of graphene by oxygen-containing functional groups. In addition to excellent chemical and physical properties of graphene, GO can provide larger surface area, promote stem cell proliferation, osteogenic differentiation, and has unique biocompatibility and antibacterial properties, resulting in broad prospects of application in the field of biomedicine. This article reviews the progress of graphene oxide on drug and protein delivery, bone tissue engineering, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial actions, and the possible toxic and side effects.

Key words: graphene, graphene oxide, drug delivery, tissue engineering, anti-inflammatory action, adverse reaction


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