Int J Stomatol ›› 2019, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 393-399.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2019071

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Effectiveness of heat-activated Ni-Ti wires for orthodontic treatment: a systematic review

Gao Jie,Ma Rui,Ge Zhenlin()   

  1. Dept. of Orthodontics, School of Stomatology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2018-10-03 Revised:2019-03-12 Online:2019-07-01 Published:2019-07-12


Objective In this study, we aimed to conduct a systematic review of the clinical effectiveness of heat-activated Ni-Ti (HANT) wires in orthodontic treatment.Methods A search was conducted in PubMed, the Cochrane library, Web of science, Embase, China Biology Medicine (CBM), China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), Chinese Scientific and Technological Journal (VIP) and Wan Fang databases until 30 November 2017. Then, we collected the randomised controlled trials (RCT) about the clinical effectiveness of HANT wires versus other Ni-Ti wires. The extraction of data and risk of bias evaluation were conducted by two investigators independently. Then, RevMan 5.3.0 software was used to conduct the meta-analysis.Results We included 8 trials which recruited 456 participants. Four studies were statistically pooled in meta-analysis. Meta-analysis results showed that patients with HANT wires had significantly lower time of levelling, bracket shedding, total course and visual analogue scale scores than those with other Ni-Ti wires. Qualitative analysis results were consistent with meta-analysis findings. The differences in wire breaking was significant, but no differences were found in alignment efficiency.Conclusion HANT wires were more effective than other Ni-Ti wires in terms of the time of levelling, bracket shedding, total course, wire breaking and comfort in orthodontic treatment.

Key words: orthodontic treatment, heat-activated Ni-Ti wire, randomised controlled trial, systematic review, meta-analysis

CLC Number: 

  • R783.5


Tab 1

Search strategy of PubMed"

步骤 检索主题
#1 orthodontic therapy [Mesh] OR orthodontic therapy OR orthodontic treatment [Mesh] OR orthodontic treatment
#2 nickel-titanium orthodontic wire [Mesh] OR nickel-titanium orthodontic wire OR Ni-Ti arch wire
#3 Randomized Controlled Trial OR Randomized Controlled Trial [Mesh]
#4 #1 AND #2 AND #3

Fig 1

Flow diagram of literature retrieval and screening"

Tab 2

Characteristics of the studies"

样本量 年龄/岁# 性别 托槽 干预措施 对照措施 观察指标
(G/D) (G/D) (男/女) 系统
45/45[5] 13.5±0.3/ 46/44 MBT 采用热激活镍钛丝,弓丝更换顺 采用普通镍钛弓丝,更换 排齐整平时间、总疗程弓丝断、
13.6±0.4 矫治器 序照MBT直丝弓矫治系统的作者 顺序参照标准直丝弓矫治 裂次数、托槽脱落次数、VAS
推荐的更换顺序 系统的常规更换顺序 指数
40/40[11] - 40/40 MBT 采用热激活镍钛丝,弓丝更换顺 采用普通镍钛弓丝,更换顺 排齐整平时间、总疗程、弓丝断
矫治器 序按照MBT直丝弓矫治系统的作 序参照标准直丝弓矫治系统 裂次数、托槽脱落次数
者推荐的更换顺序 的常规更换顺序
37/37[12] 13.3±0.4/ 35/39 MBT 采用热激活镍钛丝,弓丝更换顺 采用普通镍钛弓丝,更换顺 排齐整平时间、弓丝断裂次数、托
13.5±0.8 矫治器 序按照MBT直丝弓矫治系统的作 序参照标准直丝弓矫治系统 槽脱落次数、复诊次数、炎症发生
者推荐的更换顺序 的常规更换顺序 率、肿胀发生率、毒性反应、过敏
21/21[13] 13.52±6.21/ 25/17 MBT 采用热激活镍钛丝,弓丝更换顺 采用普通镍钛弓丝,更换顺 排齐整平时间、总疗程、弓丝断
13.71±6.37 矫治器 序按照MBT直丝弓矫治系统的作 序参照标准直丝弓矫治系统 裂次数、托槽脱落次数、VAS
者推荐的更换顺序 的常规更换顺序 指数
20/24[8] 14±2.73/ 11/33 Smart-Clip 初始弓丝为0.356 mm热激活镍钛 初始弓丝为0.356 mm超弹 VAS指数、Little’s前牙不齐指数
14.71±2.58 自锁矫治器 弓丝 性镍钛弓丝
25/25/ 17.44±5.4/ 28/46 Roth 初始弓丝为0.356 mm热激活镍钛 初始弓丝为0.356 mm超弹 Little’s前牙不齐指数
24*[9] 19.36±4.5/ 矫治器 弓丝 性镍钛弓丝,普通镍钛弓
15/15[14] 14.7±4.2/ 11/19 金属 初始弓丝为0.406 mm热激活镍钛 初始弓丝为0.406 mm超弹 VAS指数
14.7±3.4 矫治器 弓丝 性镍钛弓丝
11/11[10] 16.90±2.14/ - Roth 用热激活镍钛丝和普通镍钛弓丝, 采用普通镍钛弓丝,弓丝更 Little’s不齐指数
16.43±2.42 矫治器 弓丝更换顺序用Gugel的更换顺序 换顺序采用Gugel推荐顺序

Fig 2

Risk of bias summary: cross plot of judgment results for each item of each study"

Fig 3

Risk of bias graph: each risk of bias item presented as percenta-ges across all included studies"

Fig 4

Meta analysis of the time of leveling between the heat-activated nickel-titanium wires and the other nickel-titanium wires"

Fig 5

Meta analysis of the bracket shedding between the heat-activated nickel-titanium wires and the other nickel-titanium wires"

Fig 6

Meta analysis of the total course between the heat-activated nickel-titanium wires and the other nickel-titanium wires"

Fig 7

Meta analysis of the VAS scores between the heat-activated nickel-titanium wires and the other nickel-titanium wires"

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