Int J Stomatol ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (5): 538-551.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2023076

• Original Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Meta-analysis of dynamic navigation versus static navigation in the accuracy of implant surgery

Gong Jiaming1(),Zhao Ruimin1,Pan Hongwei2,Lang Xin2,Yu Zhanhai2,Li Jianxue1()   

  1. 1.Dept. of Stomatology, The 940th Hospital of Joint Logistics Support Force of People’s Liberation Army, Lanzhou 730050, China
    2.Dept. of Implantology, School & Hospital of Stomatology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2022-11-12 Revised:2023-04-04 Online:2023-09-01 Published:2023-09-01
  • Contact: Jianxue Li;


Objective To systematically evaluate and compare the accuracy between computer-aided dynamic implant surgery (dCAIS) and computer-aided static navigation (sCAIS) in implant surgery. Methods Databases in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, CNKI and Wanfang from January 2000 to May 2022, were searched to identify controlled trials that compared dCAIS and sCAIS. The risk of bias in cohort studies (CS) and randomized controlled stu-dies (RCTs) was assessed using NOS and Jadad scale, respectively. Data were analyzed using RevMan 5.4 and Stata 16 software. Results A total of 12 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, including 8 CS and 4 RCTs. Subgroup analysis, which was conducted according to object, edentulous category, navigation system, registration method, indicated that dCAIS resulted in significantly less implant apical deviation (P<0.05) and angular deviation (P<0.05) than sCAIS, except for implant platform deviation (P>0.05). Conclusion Limited evidence implied that dCAIS could achieve higher accuracy in implant surgery than sCAIS. Further evidence from higher-quality clinical studies are needed to supervise the current performance in diverse edentulous category under the coherent navigation system and registration.

Key words: dynamic navigation, static navigation, dental implant, accuracy, Meta-analysis

CLC Number: 

  • R 783


Fig 1

The parameters of implant accuracy"

Fig 2

Flow chart of literature screening"

Tab 1

Characteristics of the included studies"



3.5 mm×20 mm


Mediavilla Guzmán




4.6 mm×12 mm

Kaewsiri等[18](2019)RCT/患者单颗牙缺失IRIS解剖标志点配准(3.3~4.8) mm×(8~12) mm50①②③


4.2 mm×10 mm

Sun等[20] (2020)CS/患者上、下颌牙列缺损AqNaviNRNR32②③
Wang等[22](2022)CS/模型21-22和15-16牙位NRU型管配准4.1 mm×10 mm20①②③


4.1 mm×10 mm


Tab 2

Risk of bias in cohort studies"

Mediavilla Guzmán等[17](2019)6

Tab 3

Risk of bias in randomized controlled trials"


Fig 3

Meta-analysis of dCAIS and sCAIS based on subjects"

Fig 4

Meta-analysis of dCAIS and sCAIS based on edentulous category"

Fig 5

Meta-analysis of dCAIS and sCAIS for neck center deviation of implants based on navigation system"

Fig 6

Meta-analysis of dCAIS and sCAIS for root tip center deviation of implants based on navigation system"

Fig 7

Meta-analysis of dCAIS and sCAIS for implant angle deviation based on navigation system"

Fig 8

Meta-analysis of dCAIS and sCAIS for subgroup analysis based on registration method on neck center deviation of implant"

Fig 9

Meta-analysis of dCAIS and sCAIS for subgroup analysis based on registration method on root tip center deviation of implant"

Fig 10

Meta-analysis of dCAIS and sCAIS for subgroup analysis based on registration method on implant angle deviation"

Fig 11

Funnel plots of publication bias ofoutcomes included in the study"

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