Inter J Stomatol ›› 2018, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 91-96.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2018.01.018

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Research progress on tooth autotransplantation combined with orthodontic treatment

Li Jinjin, Pan Jian   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases & Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2017-02-15 Revised:2017-05-23 Published:2018-01-15
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by Key Research Plan of Science and Technology Department of Sichuan Province (2017SZ0094) and Science and Technology Benefiting Project of Chengdu Technology Bureau (2016-HM01-00071-SF).

Abstract: Tooth autotransplantation is an alternative therapeutic option for replacing the missing teeth in clinic. With the understanding of various prognosis factors, it has achieved higher survival rate. In recent years, the combination with orthodontic treatment not only extends the clinical application range, at the same time, it helps to reduce the incidence of root absorption and ankylosis of autotransplanted tooth. The purpose of this article is to review the prognosis factors influencing the success of autotransplanted tooth and the combination with orthodontic treatment.

Key words: tooth autotransplantation, prognosis factors, orthodontic treatment

CLC Number: 

  • R78

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