国际口腔医学杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 130-134.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2017.02.002

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  1. 口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室 华西口腔医院(四川大学) 成都 610041
  • 收稿日期:2016-10-12 出版日期:2017-03-01 发布日期:2017-03-01
  • 通讯作者: 罗恩,教授,博士,Email:luoen521125@sina.com
  • 作者简介:罗恩,教授,博士,Email:luoen521125@sina.com
  • 基金资助:

Treatment of condylar osteochondroma combined with secondary dentofacial deformities

Luo En.   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases, West China Hospital of Stomatology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610041, China
  • Received:2016-10-12 Online:2017-03-01 Published:2017-03-01
  • Supported by:
    This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(81621062).

摘要: 骨软骨瘤属于良性肿瘤,髁突是颌面部骨软骨瘤易受累的部位。髁突骨软骨瘤主要表现为关节区肿块、关节功能异常,常继发不对称性牙颌面畸形。手术仍是治疗的主要方法。手术应彻底切除肿瘤、重建关节功能、纠正错畸形以获得稳定良好的口颌系统功能。同时应矫正其异常和畸形容貌,以达到功能与形态俱佳的效果,常需以多种手术结合为主的综合治疗方案。本文从髁突骨软骨瘤的病因、临床特点、影像学特点、治疗目标和手术方式等方面对该病的诊治作一系统论述。

关键词: 髁突, 骨软骨瘤, 牙颌面畸形, 治疗

Abstract: Surgical treatment of condylar osteochondroma combined with secondary dentofacial deformities is a significant clinical challenge. Diagnosis and treatment protocol of condylar osteochondroma patients who also have secondary dentofacial deformities are discussed according to the features of tumor and dentofacial deformities. The condylar osteochondroma and secondary dentofacial deformities were treated through one or several Methods of tumor resection, condylar reconstruction, correction of skeletal deformities, and treatment of malocclusion. Temporomandibular joint function, occlusion, and facial appearance were evaluated after operation by radiographic examination and follow-up. Surgical management of condylar osteochondroma with secondary dentofacial deformities requires careful patient selection, treatment planning, and precise execution.

Key words: condylar, osteochondroma, dentofacial deformities, treatment


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