Int J Stomatol ›› 2023, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (6): 686-695.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2023095

• Reviews • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Regenerative endodontic procedures for permanent tooth with immature apices in adult patients

Hu Jia(),Wang Xiuqing,Lu Guoying,Huang Xiaojing.()   

  1. Dept. of Cariology and Endodontics, School and Hospital of Stomatology, Fujian Medical University & Fujian Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & Fujian Provincial Engineering Research Center of Oral Biomaterials & Stomatological Key Laboratory of Fujian College and University & Stomatology Institute of Fujian Medical University, Fuzhou 350002, China
  • Received:2023-03-13 Revised:2023-07-29 Online:2023-11-01 Published:2023-10-24
  • Contact: Xiaojing. Huang;
  • Supported by:
    the Education and Scientific Research Project in Fujian Province(JAT200129)


Regenerative endodontic procedures have been used to treat infected immature permanent teeth in children and adolescents to achieve continued root development and dentin-pulp complex formation. Treating the infected teeth of adult patients with immature apices is challenging. Current treatments form physical barriers by apexification or apical barrier technique. Although teeth can be saved, they are devitalized and become susceptible to reinfections and fractures. With the development of tissue engineering and biomaterials, researchers have tried to save the immature permanent teeth of adults by regeneration. Here, the clinical efficacy of regenerative endodontic procedures is analyzed to explore whether they should be developed for dental pulp and/or dentin regeneration in adults with immature apices.

Key words: regenerative endodontic procedures, permanent teeth, immature apices, periapical periodontitis

CLC Number: 

  • R 781


Tab 1

Summary of studies on REPs in mature permanent teeth"

Machut等[16]病例报告 (2)45、4223PRF+GP机械预备缩小--6



机械预备愈合/缩小 (100%)+(56%)+(50%)12
El-Kateb等[21]随机对照(18)*20~34前牙BC#30/#50愈合/缩小 (100%)+(83%)+(77%)12
Arslan等[19]随机对照(26/46)*18~30单根牙BC#45~#80愈合/缩小 (92.3%)NM+(50%)12
Nageh等[23]临床研究 (15)18~4011/21BC+PRF#60~#80愈合+(60%)+(100%)12
Saoud等[24]病例报告 (7)8~21前牙/磨牙BC#25~#40愈合/缩小 (100%)--8~26
Saoud等[18]病例报告 (1)2312BC#35缩小--12
Paryani等[17]病例报告 (2)11、1411/21BC#60愈合NM+(50%)18、22
Shah等[15]临床研究 (18)15~76前牙/磨牙BC#25~#30愈合/缩小 (100%)--6~36

Tab 2

Studies on adult immature permanent teeth treated with REPs"



Neelamurthy等[26]临床研究918~35单根牙8~9BC愈合/缩小 (100%)



Gavi?o Ordu?a等[27]病例报告321~35前牙是(1)8~9BC+PRP少量愈合根尖闭合(1)/根长少量增加(1)NM50






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