Int J Stomatol ›› 2024, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (2): 125-136.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2024032

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Discussion of an innovating orthodontic technique: a spherical bracket, lock-hook and light force treatment system

Hong He1(),Li Ji2   

  1. 1.State Key Laboratory of Oral & Maxillofacial Reconstruction and Regeneration, Key Laboratory of Oral Biomedicine Ministry of Education, Hubei Key Laboratory of Stomatology, School & Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, Dept. of Orthodontics 1, School & Hospital of Stomatology, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430079, China
    2.Dept. of Stomatology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510080, China
  • Received:2023-10-16 Revised:2023-12-20 Online:2024-03-01 Published:2024-03-11
  • Contact: Hong He


Precise torque expression and stable anchorage control are key points in orthodontic treatment. The concern of patients’ quality of life and oral health during orthodontic treatment is increasing. However, most orthodontic instruments cannot achieve the goals mentioned above. A spherical bracket exhibits advantages in these aspects and mitigates these problems to a certain extent. The spherical surface decreases the ulcer rate. Biofilm formation is inhibited, thereby reducing the probability of gum and periodontal disease occurrence. The bonding failure rate of the spherical bracket is lower than that of other self-ligating brackets by 95%. The lock-hook system is the most innovative aspect of the spherical bracket. The system contains thread, screw, and arch wire systems. The lock-hook system benefits torque expression because of its mitigating function. Furthermore, it improves the stability of anchorage when the lock screw is applied. The arch wire system containing three unique wires (0.152 4 mm×0.635 0 mm, 0.203 2 mm×0.584 2 mm, 0.254 0 mm×0.558 8 mm) can be used by orthodontist to control torque with light force during alignment. Therefore, the spherical bracket has gained increasing interest because of its outstanding performance such as comfort, low bonding failure rate, accurate torque expression, stable anchorage, and light force.

Key words: spherical bracket, obrace, lock-hook system, play mitigation, anchorage control, light force treatment, precise torque expression

CLC Number: 

  • R783.5


Fig 1

Oral hygiene comparison between conventional bracket and spherical 5s bracket"

Fig 2

Compared to other self-ligating brackets, the outline (orange line) of spherical 5s bracket is shorter"

Fig 3

Finite element analysis of self-ligating bracket (left), conventional bracket (middle), and spherical 5s bracket (right) regarding stress on oral mucosa"

Fig 4

Finite element analysis of conventional bracket (left) and spherical 5s bracket (right) regarding stress and strain on oral mucosa with 1 mm horizo-nal sliding"

Fig 5

Finite element analysis of conventional bracket (left) and spherical 5s bracket (right) regarding stress and strain on oral mucosa with 2 mm vertical sliding"

Fig 6

The bonding failure rate of self-ligating bracket (blue) and spherical bracket in 13 months"

Fig 7

The static mechanical analysis of other self-ligating bracket (left) and spherical 5s bracket (right) in two dimensions after applying force"

Fig 8

The thread of spherical 5s bracket, hook screw, lock screw, and dedicated tool"

Fig 9

Demonstration of “double anchorage”"

Fig 10

Finite element analysis of lock screw and arch wire in locked situation regards of stress"

Fig 11

Deflection of arch wires"

Fig 12

Treatment of aligning with 5s arch wires system"

Fig 13

Treatment of rotation with 5s arch wires system"

Fig 14

Expansion with 5s lock-hook system"

Fig 15

The oral view of canine distalization with 5s lock-hook system"

Fig 16

The oral view and digital models (pre-treatment and post-treatment) comparison of canine distalization with 5s lock-hook system"

Fig 17

Demonstration of applying 5s lock-hook system in one-step sli-ding retraction technique"

Fig 18

Torque changed after applying lock screw in lock-hook system (oral view)"

Fig 19

Treatment view of pre-lock and post-lock CBCT of maxillary anterior teeth"

Fig 20

Superimposition of cephalometric film of pre-lock and post-lock"

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