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    01 March 2013, Volume 40 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
    Series study of periodontal diseases under highland environment
    Zhang Gang, Tan Yinghui.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  141-143.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.001
    Abstract ( 1571 )   HTML ( 9 )   PDF(pc) (468KB) ( 1117 )   Save

    Highland area is characterized with low atmospheric pressure and low partial pressure of oxygen. The epidemiological investigation shows that the prevalence of periodontitis in highland area is higher than that in plain area. However, there is little known about the pathogenesis of periodontitis under high altitude environment. Establishing rabbits and rats periodontitis animal models, this series of research is to investigate the correlation factors of affecting the generation and progress of periodontal diseases in highland.

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    Association between genetic polymorphism of methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase 1, mehionine synthase and non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in Shanxi, China
    Li Ruifang, Ma Xuefang, Nan Xinrong
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  144-147.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.002
    Abstract ( 1706 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF(pc) (536KB) ( 1287 )   Save

    Objective To investigate the association between genetic polymorphism of methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase(MTHFD)1 and mehionine synthas(MTR) and non-syndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate (NSCL/P). Methods Collected the mucosa of the experimental group consisted of 187 NSCL/P patients and control group consisted of 157 normal mucosa. DNA was extracted and identified the genotypes of the samples: MTHFD1(rs2236225) and MTR(rs1805087). Compared with two groups of genotype and allele frequency, analysis of genotype distribution frequency and relationship between two genes’ interaction with NSCL/P. Results There was no statistical difference in genotype and gene frequencies between case group and control group of MTR and MTHFD1 (P>0.05). The odds ratio of genotype AG, GG of MTR were 0.308, 0.501. The odds ratio of genotype GA, AA of MTHFD1 were 0.812, 0.196. According to AA-GG, the odds ratio of genotype between AG-AA, GG-GA and GGAA were 2.078, 4.508 and 6.497. Conclusion None association between genetic polymorphism of MTHFD1, MTR and NSCL/P, but the interaction of MTHFD1 and MTR is the risk factor of the NSCL/P.

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    The expression of human β-defensin-2 in salivary gland of Sjogren syndrome
    Wang Tian, Tao Renchuan
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  148-151.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.003
    Abstract ( 1305 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF(pc) (3152KB) ( 859 )   Save

    Objective To explore the expressions of human β-defensin(hBD)-2 and hBD-2 mRNA in salivary glands of patients with Sj觟gren syndrome(SS) and to explain the correlation between hBD-2 and clinical, clinicopathologic features. Methods To detect the expression of hBD-2 by streptaividin perodaxe immunohostochemical and in situ hybridization method from 30 cases suffered from SS and 10 cases from normal salivary glands. Correlations between hBD-2 and Chisholm’s score or organic manifestations were investigated. Results hBD-2 was observed in salivary glands from patients with SS, but few hBD-2 positive cells could be seen in salivary glands in the normal specimens. The high score of Chisholm’s score and SS with other organic manifestations were also correlated with a higer percentage of hBD-2 of SS patients. Conclusion hBD-2 was overexpressed in glands’ ductal epithelial cells in SS and related with the chronic inflammation campared with normal specimens and may play an important role in the local autoimmune reaction

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    Dental caries status of 6-12-year-old orphans and disabled children in Chengdu and its prevention and treatment
    Jiang Xianjun, Hu Deyu, Xiao Qiang, Tu Rui, Dong Ying.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  152-155.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.004
    Abstract ( 1695 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF(pc) (405KB) ( 561 )   Save

    Objective To investigate caries status of primary and permanent teeth among 6-12-year-old orphans and disabled children in Chengdu and to discuss the appropriate measures of prevention and treatment. Methods A sample of 280 6-12-year-old orphans and disabled children, were selected from 5 special schools in Chengdu. The index of decayed missing filled tooth(DMFT/dmft) was recorded to assess the caries status and analysis with carious related factors. Degree of compliance(DC) and types of disability were used to measure difficulty of preventive and treatment measures. Results The total prevalence rate of dental caries was 59.6%, the total mean DMFT/dmft was 2.16 ±2.63, caries rate with deciduous teeth was 46.4%, the deciduous teeth mean DMFT/dmft was 1.70±2.50, caries rate with permanent teeth was 23.9%, the permanent teeth mean DMFT/dmft was 0.47±1.05. Caries filling ratio of deciduous teeth was 2.1%, caries filling ratio of permanent teeth was 7.6%. The prevalence rate and mean DMFT/dmft between males and females showed no significant(P >0.05). There was a strong correlation between first and second deciduous molar(P<0.001, r=0.593). And DC of 18.21% children was medium and severe. Conclusion This study revealed a high level of dental caries status of 6-12-year-old orphans and disabled children. There was a strong correlation between first and second deciduous molar, it may be used to assess caries risk in clinic and prevention. And it could be very difficult to prevent and treat in some children.

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    The characteristics of the anterior arch form of skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion
    Tian Jing 1,Gao Hui 2,Liu Ying 1,Sun Liuzhen 3,Xiao Danna 2 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  156-159.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.005
    Abstract ( 1455 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF(pc) (954KB) ( 679 )   Save

    Objective To study the characteristics of the anterior dental arch form of skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion and provide references for diagnosis and treatment plan. Methods Experimental group consists 52 cases of skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion and control group consists 63 cases of individual normal occlusion. Cone beam computed tomography(CBCT) scans of samples were taken and were used to measure with anterior dental arch of 9 measurements through Mimics 10.01. Results Compared with control group, maxillary anterior segments of the dental arch widths and depths have the tendency of decrease, maxillary anterior segments of the dental arch angles are smaller in skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion. Mandibular anterior dental arch are similar in two groups about widths, depths and angles. Differences between maxillary and mandibular canine widths and canine depths are smaller with skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion. And differences between maxillary and mandibular anterior segment angles are also smaller with skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion. Conclusion In skeletal Class Ⅲ malocclusion, the incoordination performance existed in the anterior dental arch form of maxillary and mandibular. The fullness of anterior dental arch form are inadequate. And the maxillary anterior dental arch widths and depths are insufficient

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    The effect of doctor-patient communication on complete denture restoration
    Wang Wanwei 1,Wei Yufang 2,Li Jun 1,Zhang Tingting 1 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  160-161.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.006
    Abstract ( 1363 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF(pc) (247KB) ( 933 )   Save

    Objective To assess the effect of doctor -patient communication on complete denture restoration. Methods Two hundred and seventy patients of complete denture restoration were randomly divided into the experimental group and control group. The experimental group was given an effective communication; the control group was for regular repair. Two months after repairing, the satisfaction of restoration was statistical analyzed. Results The all satisfaction rate of complete denture restoration was 84.44%, the experimental group was up to 89.24%, the control group reached 77.68%. The differences between two groups were statistical significantly(P< 0.001). Conclusion Effective doctor -patient communication can improve the satisfaction of complete denture restoration, short the adaptation time.

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    Meta-analysis of the effectiveness of Vitapex in root canal therapy of deciduous teeth
    Rao Nanquan, Chen E, Pei Jun, Xie Yunna.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  162-164.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.007
    Abstract ( 1889 )   HTML ( 13 )   PDF(pc) (444KB) ( 1004 )   Save

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of Vitapex on root canal therapy on deciduous teeth. Methods The Cochrane reviewer hand book was followed. The papers and documents on the clinical effectiveness of Vitapex on data bases were searched and collected by computer and hand-search, the Meta-analysis was also done on the findings with Revman 4.2 software. Results Eighteen among 292 papers were collected. The effectiveness of Vitapex in 0.5 and 1 year could be merged and was higher than the control group, and the difference was statistically significant. The effectiveness of Vitapex in 2 year could not be combined, for significant heterogeneity was found. So only the descriptive analysis could be used. The 2 years’ efffectiveness had a trend which was superior to the control group. Conclusion For deciduous teeth, Vitapex paste is an excellent filling material.

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    Effect of different finish line designs on the fatigue and fracture resistance of zirconia crowns
    Chen Jifen 1,Ding Hong 2,Yang Zhongheng 3 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  165-168.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.008
    Abstract ( 1414 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF(pc) (663KB) ( 1423 )   Save

    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different finish line designs on the fatigue, fracture resistance, and failure type of veneered zirconia restorations. Methods A computer aided design and computer aided manufacturing(CAD/CAM) system was used to prepare zirconia frameworks for a maxillary central incisor. Three finish line designs were evaluated: A complete narrowchamfer, a narrowchamfer with a lingual ledge, and a complete ledge. The prepared frameworks were veneered using a press-on ceramic and were cemented on the corresponding prepared teeth using a resin cement. The cemented specimens were thermocycled, subjected to dynamic fatigue, and finally loaded till fracture. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the data and the fractured specimens were examined under a stereo microscope to assess fracture type. Results There was no significant difference among the fracture resistance of three kinds of finish line designs(P>0.05). The form of specimen failureis cracking and fracture of the veneer ceramic. Meanwhile, the framework remained entirely intact. Conclusion Within the limitations of this study, the finish line design did not influence the fatigue or the fracture resistance of veneered zirconia crowns. Selection any of the finish line designs should be based on the clinical condition of the restored tooth.

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    Therapeutic effects of cosmetic suture techniques applying in maxillofacial trauma treatment
    Li Hao 1,Zhang Gang 2,Zheng Weiyin 1,Li Yan 1
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  169-171.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.009
    Abstract ( 1489 )   HTML ( 7 )   PDF(pc) (355KB) ( 1443 )   Save

    Objective To explore the medical value of cosmetic suture techniques applied in maxillofacial trauma. Methods One hundred and fifty-four cases of facial trauma patients were divided into cosmetic and conventional suture groups, according to the form of suture in facial wound. Contrast the time and cost of suture in treating wound, quantitative evaluate the objective results, and score the patients’ subjective ratings on postoperative scar. Results The time and cost of cosmetic suture was higher than conventional suture. Infection and split ratewas significantly lower than conventional sutures. Scar area was significantly smaller than conventional suture. Patient’s subjective evaluation score was higher than conventional suture. Conclusion There is great significance to apply cosmetic suture in maxillofacial trauma, and mastering the technique can improve the treatment of facial trauma.

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    Comparison of periodontal health of patients during treatment with the invisalign system and with fixed orthodontic appliance
    Zhou Shaoli 1,Guo Jing 2 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  172-175.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.010
    Abstract ( 1300 )   HTML ( 8 )   PDF(pc) (503KB) ( 872 )   Save

    Objective To evaluate periodontal health in patients during treatment with invisalign, and to compare periodontal indices in patient with conventional brackets and a series of invisible aligners. Methods Forty-five cases were randomly selected. The range for the pre-treatment age was 20 to 40 years. Forty-five patients were divided into 2 groups according to the type of appliance, which were 25 patients with conventional pre-adjusted brackets in group A and 20 patients with invisible aligners in group B. Periodontal indices, including gingival index(GI), sulcus probing depth(SPD), sulcus bleeding index(SBI), plaque index(PLI), were examined in both groups at three control visits (1st, 3rd, 6th month respective) by the same periodontal specialist. Then, compared and analysed the impacts of two appliances on the periodontal health of the patients. Results Compared with pretreatment, there was significant difference in all periodontal indices in group A except SPD, while there was no significant difference in all periodontal indices in group B during the orthodontic treatment. There was no significant difference between group A and group B during the orthodontic treatment except PLI. Conclusion Invisalign appliance could not have obvious influence on the patient’s periodontal health. Although invisialign appliance is more beneficial for the patient to keep oral hygiene, there is no significant difference on the patient’s periodontal health.

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    A case report of multiple supernumerary teeth
    Jiang Hua.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  176-177.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.011
    Abstract ( 1463 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF(pc) (486KB) ( 973 )   Save

    Incidence of supernumerary teeth in total normal population is 1%-3%. Supernumerary teeth are common in the permanent dentition, and 1-3 teeth are common, but more than 5 teeth are rare.

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    A review of biological research on mandibular regeneration of newt
    Wang Yan 1,2,Chen Xizhe 1 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  178-180.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.012
    Abstract ( 1766 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF(pc) (332KB) ( 1358 )   Save

    The regeneration are commonly existing animal life phenomenon. Based on the international academic circles to newt limb regenerative form histology, cell biology and molecular biology research foundation, newt jaw bone regenerative biology of literature review on the study of mammals, regeneration ability of research, and even on human reproductive medicine research provides beneficial inspirations

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    The application of cone beam computer tomography in orthodontics
    Wang Liying, Jin Zuolin.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  181-184.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.013
    Abstract ( 1671 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF(pc) (445KB) ( 1109 )   Save

    As an advanced imaging technology for its small size, low radiation dose and the advantages of three-dimensional images technology, cone beam computer tomography(CBCT) is widely used in the field of orthodontics. This paper introduces a review of CBCT and its application in orthodontics, providing a reference for clinical applications.

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    Application of a new nickel-titanium instrument-Twisted Files
    Liu Siming, Hu Tao
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  185-187.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.014
    Abstract ( 1186 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF(pc) (302KB) ( 1073 )   Save

    The nickel-titanium instrument is more and more used in root canal preparing. Twisted Files(TF) is manufactured by a proprietary twisting process, so it maintains original canal shape, and presents great resistance to cyclic fatigue. In this article, we review these studies about cutting efficiency and maintaining original canal shape, cyclic fatigue of TF, and its effect about autoclaving.

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    Research progress on ultrasound applied to distraction osteogenesis
    Huang Wu, Zeng Rongsheng
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  188-191.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.015
    Abstract ( 1340 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF(pc) (421KB) ( 804 )   Save

    Ultrasound has the features of mechanical vibration and heating effect, which can enhances osteogenesis. Ultrasound combined application with distraction osteogenesis can repair the bone defect better. This review summarized the application of ultrasound on animal experiment and clinic research. Presented the mechanism of ultrasound and introduced the effect of ultrasound on nitinol shape memory alloy.

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    Research progress on C-shaped canal system in mandibular first premolars
    Li Xiangjie 1,2,Deng Manjing 1 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  192-195.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.016
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    C-shaped canal exists in C-shaped root with C-shaped cross-section, and often appears in mandibular first premolar with radicular groove in root surface. The key for successful root canal treatment is to understand and estimate the variation in morphology of root canal system. In this paper, the C-shaped canal in mandibular first premolar was reviewed.

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    Essential factors affecting porcelain chipping -off in veneered zirconia restorations
    Xiao Ling, Chao Yonglie
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  195-198.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.017
    Abstract ( 2001 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF(pc) (396KB) ( 941 )   Save

    Porcelain chipping -off, supposed to be affected by the mechanical strength of porcelain material, residual stress and the interface bonding strength, is well documented as a reason for veneered zirconia crown failure. However, results from different tests were incomparable because the testing methods varied in respecting to specimen dimension, direction and frequency of loads, and simulation of intraoral environment. The standardized methods and evaluation index applied in testing the real strength and toughness of double-layer structure are the goals to be achieved in future, and the factors related to the strength and toughness should also be evaluated. In the current review, reported flaws leading to porcelain chipping-off were summarized.

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    Stress distribution of Ni-Ti rotary instrument and the mechanical characters of tooth root during preparation
    Duan Yanyan, Su Qin.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  199-201.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.018
    Abstract ( 1229 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF(pc) (370KB) ( 1019 )   Save

    The prospect of Ni-Ti rotary instruments in root canal therapy especially small bending and molar application is quite bright, because of its good flexible property. But instruments separation and postoperative root fracture are still common problems in clinical practice. In recent years, many scholars have discussed the stress distribution of Ni-Ti rotary instrument and the mechanical characters of tooth root during preparation. This review focused on the clinical research recently.

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    Research progress on relationship between maternal peridontal disease and preterm low birth weight infants
    Xiao Yue 1,2,Ruan Yi 1,Kong Xiangbo 1 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  202-205.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.019
    Abstract ( 1455 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF(pc) (433KB) ( 1057 )   Save

    Periodontal disease is common infectious diseases in oral cavity. Research has revealed that the situation of periodontal tissue related closely with systemic health recently. Much of traditional cause cannot fully explain how preterm low birth weight(PLBW) happens, 25%-30% of which are unknown etiologically. As a potential risk factor, the relationship between periodontal disease in pregnant women and the occurrence of PLBW has begun to raise concerns. This paper reviewed the relationship between periodontal disease and PLBW including the possible mechanisms.

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    Study of inflammation and uncoupling in mechanisms of periodontal bone loss
    Zhang Xiaomin, Guo Ke, Ren Chunxia, Yan Jiaqing, Lin Chongtao.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  206-208.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.020
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    Periodontal disease is characterized by both inflammation and bone loss. Advances in research in the intimate relationship of them have resulted in a new field of science called osteoimmunology and provides a context for better understanding the pathogenesis of periodontitis. There are several aspects of the immuno-inflammatory host response that ultimately results in loss of alveolar bone. Periodontal inflammation not only stimulates osteoclastogenesis, but also interferes with the uncoupling of bone formation and bone resorption. Furthermore, arguments suggest a critical role of the spatial and temporal aspects of inflammation in the periodontium. This review is about the new progress of bone loss’s mechanism in periodontitis.

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    Advances on study and treatment of facial synkinesis
    Zhu Yun, Yang Wenjun.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  209-211.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.021
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    Facial synkinesis is one of the sequel often happens in facial paralysis patients, and the mechanism is still uncertain so far. An early diagnosis and treatment for the recovery of patient have an important meaning. This article is a retrospective review of the newly-reported studies of mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of synkinesis.

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    Clinical application of digital dental shade selection technology
    Lei Chang 1,Jiang Tao 1,2 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  212-215.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.022
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    Shade selection, the key step of color reproduction, determines the success of restoration. The visual method which is considered as the tradition shade selection method could be influenced by subjective and objective factors, such as color matching conditions, receiver’s age and visual fatigue. However, digital dental shade selection could overcome these disadvantages and its inherent characteristics: Objective, accurate, flexible to use, and so on, have attracted more and more dentists’ attention. In recent years, with the development of techniques and the increasing requirement about the aesthetic effects, digital dental shade selection technology has been widely used in dental clinical. This paper reviewed the types, characteristics and clinical application of digital shade selection instruments.

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    Research progress on cleft palate velopharyngeal closure
    Guo Meiling, Wang Yujiang.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  216-220.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.023
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    Abnomal speech is the most pressing problems to those people who underwent cleft palate surgery. How to improve and treat the pathological speech, has been a hot topic among phoneticians during these years. Good velopharyngeal is an essential precondition for normal speech. Many scholars are dedicated to the influencing factors, checking method, characteristics, therapy. In this paper, the study of cleft palate velopharyngeal closure was reviewed.

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    The clinical and basic research of mini -implant anchorage for the anterior teeth intrusion
    Wang Yanan, Yang Siwei.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  221-223.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.024
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    The traditional methods are often not effective in intruding the anterior teeth. Mini-implant anchorage as an absolute anchorage can be implanted into any part of the jaw. It can apply the absolute intrusion and also can produce a good clinical treatment effect. The aim of this article was to review the clinical and basic research of mini- implant anchorage for the anterior teeth intrusion.

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    Application of dental stem cells in tissue regeneration
    Song Fang, Zou Huiru.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  224-228.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.025
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    Stem cells research has grown exponentially owing to their ability to rescue and repair injured tissue and partially restore organ function. The dental stem cells are considered rich sources of mesenchymal stem cells that are suitable for tissue engineering applications. These stem cells have the potential to differentiate into several cell types, including odontoblasts, neural progenitors, osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes. The dental stem cells exist widely in dental tissues, including dental pulp, periodontal ligament, dental papilla, and dental follicle. Technologies using dental stem cells might be a new model of renewal medicine.

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    The effect of erythropoietin producing hepatocyte kinases-erythropoietin producing hepatocyte kinases receptor interacting protein bidirectional signal transduction on bone homeostasis
    Zhang Yi 1,Yu Weixian 2,Hu Min 1 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  229-232.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.026
    Abstract ( 1297 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF(pc) (383KB) ( 1348 )   Save

    Bone homeostasis, including bone resorption and bone formation, is a delicate and important process with various molecules coordinating osteoclast function with that of osteoblasts. Nowadays more and more re - searchers focus on the effects of bidirectional signal transduciton between erythropoietin producing hepatocyte kinases(Eph) and erythropoietin producing hepatocyte kinases receptor interacting protein(ephrin) ligands in bone homeostasis. Our article illustrates the bidirectional signal transduction of Eph/ephrin in different stages in bone remodeling.

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    Research progress on serum peptidomics in malignant tumors
    Liu Ying, Zhong Laiping.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  233-236.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.027
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    Malignant tumors have been a hazard factor to the mental and physical health of human beings. The key to improve curing effectiveness rely on early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment. It is generally recognized to use serum as a common measure to have a minimally invasive examination. Being a complementary method of proteomics, serum peptidomics maintain a character of simple structure, less than 1.0 ×10 4 molecular weight, high specialty and easy for synthetize, which arouse the academic and medicine attention in clinical proteomics at present. This article intends to review the research progression of serum peptidomics on biomarkers discovery in malignant tumors.

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    Distribution status of microorganisms in different infected root canal
    Xu Meng, Li Yuhong, Fan Mingwen.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  237-240.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.028
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    The microorganisms are the initiating factors of root canals infection. The relationship between the microorganisms in the infected root canals and those diseases cannot be ignored. Endodontic and periradular infections can be diagnosed as endodontitis, apical periodontitis, periradicular abscesses, secondary/persistent endodontic infections etc.. As sensitive and specific polymerase chain reaction(PCR) technique used in the field of microorganisms in the root canal, microorganisms in different forms of infected root canals are investigated by PCR, which are summarized in this review.

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    Research progress on killer T cells and immunoregulation of oral tumors
    Meng Yusheng 1,2,Yang Hongyu 1 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  241-244.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.029
    Abstract ( 1241 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF(pc) (394KB) ( 581 )   Save

    Nature killer T(NKT) cells is a new member of the immune community, with effected on the immunoregulation of oral tumors profoundly. There are at least two subsets: TypeⅠNKT cells, defined by their invariant T cell receptor using Vα14Jα18 in mice and Vα24Jα18 in humans, and type Ⅱ, variable T cell receptor-α chainexpressing, with recognizing lipids presented by CD1d. The role of NKT cells in tumor immunosurveillance and immunity is actively and continuously regulated in different ways. The type Ⅰ and type Ⅱ NKT cells counter-regulate each other and form a new immunoregulatory axis. Because NKT cells respond rapidly, the balance along this axis can greatly influence other immune responses that follow. Therefore, learning to manipulate the balance along this axis could very heavily affect the immunity of oral tumors. The current research are summarized in this paper, the classification of NKT cells, NKT cells in the role of oral tumor immunity, Ⅰ type NKT cells, Ⅱ type NKT cells, and the interactions of Ⅰ and Ⅱ type NKT cells in the oral tumor immunity.

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    Research progress on the mechanisms for the social psychosocial factors and dental caries
    Zhang Beibei 1,Zhao Lijuan 2 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  245-248.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.030
    Abstract ( 1450 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF(pc) (466KB) ( 777 )   Save

    With modern medical mode to biological—psychological—social model transformation, the effect of the social psychological factors on etiology of dental caries has been constantly highlighted. The social psychological factors can increase the sensitivity of dental caries in the way of increasing the amount of the hormone and immunotransmitter, reducing immune defenses by the nerve—endocrine—immune network, such as reducing production of saliva, changing the velocity of flow and the components of saliva. The result induces or increases the etiology of dental caries. In this article the research progress about social psychological factors on dental caries so that oral doctors can realize the effect of psychosocial factors on dental caries to improve prevention and treatment level to these diseases.

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    Research progress on musculoskeletal disorders among dentists
    Jiang Meng, Zhang Ling, Li Jiyao, Liu Qian.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  249-252.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.031
    Abstract ( 2101 )   HTML ( 23 )   PDF(pc) (432KB) ( 29313 )   Save

    Musculoskeletal problems have become a significant issue for the dentists. The reported symptom prevalence of low back was 45%-60.1%, neck and shoulders was 38%~72%, hand and wrist was 14%-64%, and lower extremities was 6.3%-47.8%, respectively. Several risk factors have been analyzed, including static and awkward posture clinically, workload and psychosocial factors. Regarding these risk factors, prevention measures include proper dental posturing, regular resting, using digital and visual dental instrument. The aim of this study was to review the impact of musculoskeletal disorders on dentists, risk factors and prevention measures.

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    Cell autophagy and its correlation with oral squamous cell carcinoma
    Xing Xue, Lu Shujing, Jin Xin, Chen Qianming, Zeng Xin.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  253-256.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.032
    Abstract ( 1430 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF(pc) (446KB) ( 528 )   Save

    Cell autophagy is one type of programmed cell death in eukaryotic cells. And it has been widely implicated in many physiological and pathological processes, including cancer. Cell autophagy is a bulk degradation system, which controls the clearance and re -use of intracellular constituents, and is important for the maintenance of an amino acid pool essential for survival. Recent studies show that cell autophagy is correlated closely to oral squamous cell carcinoma. This review summarizes classifications, functions, regulatory mechanisms and autophagy-related genes and proteins. This review also concentrates on predisposing factors of cell autophagy and the correlation between cell autophagy and oral squamous cell carcinoma and other tumors.

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    Inducers of epithelial mesenchymal transformation and its correlation with oral squamous cell carcinoma
    Lu Shujing, Xing Xue, Liu Na, Chen Qianming, Zeng Xin.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  257-260.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.033
    Abstract ( 1491 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF(pc) (464KB) ( 1530 )   Save

    Epithelial—mesenchymal transformation(EMT) can be viewed as the loss of original epithelium cell characteristic, such as loss of polarity, loss of epithelial markers, cytoskeletal reorganization, and transition to a spindle- shaped morphology concomitant with acquisition of mesenchymal markers(including α-smooth muscle actin) and an invasive phenotype. EMT plays an important role in the invasion and metastasis of cancer. This article reviews the important inducers of signaling pathways in EMT and highlights recent advances in the studies of signaling pathways in EMT in oral squamous cell carcinoma.

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    The effects of controlling oxidation of titanium on the bonding strength of titanium and porcelain
    Dong Haitao 1,Ren Weihong 2 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  261-264.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.034
    Abstract ( 1228 )   HTML ( 1 )   PDF(pc) (417KB) ( 926 )   Save

    Use of titanium in dentistry and medicine has increased in recent decades. Although porcelain fused to a metal crown is usually used as a technique for dental restorations, titanium’s insufficient bond strength with porcelain yields inferior dental applications. The oxide layer produced on titanium was considered to have a potentially adverse effect on titanium-porcelain bonding. This article reviews studies published recently on the effects of oxidation of titanium on the bonding strength of titanium and porcelain.

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    Research progress on molecular biomarkers of oral cancer in saliva
    Hu Fengchun, Yu Dongsheng, Huang Hongzhang.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  265-267.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.035
    Abstract ( 1362 )   HTML ( 2 )   PDF(pc) (430KB) ( 605 )   Save

    Oral cancer is a one of the most important killer which threaten human’s healthy severely. People usually have little acquaintance with it and treat it not seriously enough at the early stage; Additionally, the stimulations from the movement of the tongue and oral cavity when people are masticating and talking also can promote cancer cells metastasis. Consequently, the prognosis of oral cancer is usually pessimistic. In the recent years, some research validated that some molecules correlate with the tumorigenesis and progression of oral cancer, which provide probability for the early diagnosis and therapy for the oral cancer. Therefore, this review will discuss the detection of saliva and the selection of the biomarkers of the oral cancer.

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    The application prospects of probiotic Bifidobacterium in the tumor targeted therapy
    Wang Lin 1,Pu Yinfei 1,Wang Yixiang 2,Guo Chuanbin 1 .
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  268-272.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.036
    Abstract ( 1542 )   HTML ( 5 )   PDF(pc) (541KB) ( 1022 )   Save

    Surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are the conventional cancer treatments. Molecular targeted therapy is taken as a promising cancer treatment strategy owing to molecular targeted drugs, such as small molecular compounds or monoclonal antibodies drugs, with higher efficacy and fewer adverse effects compared with conventional treatments. However, many tumors are very heterogeneous and contain cancer stem cells, which increase the risk of cancer targeted therapy, leading to a lower efficacy cancer treatment. Based on the facts: Hypoxic environment exists in the center of solid tumors, which has previously regarded as a source of resistance to chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Hypoxic area is a common feature in all types of tumors and facilitates anaerobic bacteria to localize in this zone. These provide the rationale for targeted therapy by using a probiotic anaerobic bacterium including Bifidobacterium. Probiotic Bifidobacterium can locate and growth in the hypoxic area of solid tumors. Therefore, genetic modified Bifidobacterium containing target genes would be used as a very useful tool for cancer treatment, which could make the hypoxic area not be“a forbidden area”. In this review, we will discuss the reason that hypoxic area forms in the solid tumor, the way to use Bifidobacterium as cancer treatment tool, and its related issues including the biosafety, targeted localization, potential application and challenges of genetic modified Bifidobacterium.

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    The application of autoimmune bullous skin disorders intensity score in the treatment of pemphigus
    Yang Yi, Guo Yiqing, Zhou Hongmei.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  273-274.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.037
    Abstract ( 1326 )   HTML ( 4 )   PDF(pc) (296KB) ( 985 )   Save

    Pemphigus is a kind of serious, chronic skin -mucosa bullous disorder. Glucocorticoid, as the first choice drug, could reduce the mortality of the disease largely, while long-term use could lead to fatal adverse reaction. Series of evaluation system have been put forward by foreign scholars, which contribute significantly to disease and drug efficacy assessment and monitoring. Autoimmune bullous skin disorders intensity score system in this paper is a relatively accepted system, and some suggestions for improvement would be put forward according to our clinical practice.

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    Status and advance of idiopathic condylar resorption
    Yu Sainan, Du Xi.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  275-278.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.038
    Abstract ( 1569 )   HTML ( 6 )   PDF(pc) (385KB) ( 1808 )   Save

    Idiopathic condylar resorption(ICR) is a poorly understood progressive disease that affects the temporomandibular joint and that can result in a loose of condylar height and alteration of the maxillofacial morphology and occlusion. It often affects females age 15 to 35 years old. Maxillofacial morphological findings generally include: Angle Class Ⅱ malocclusion with anterior open bite; high occlusal plane angle and mandibular plane angle; mandibular retropositioning. In recent years, good progress on the study of ICR was achieved. This review focused on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of ICR.

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    Prevention and strategy of oral disease in pregnant women
    Jia Xiaoqin, Zhang Yingcong, Yang He.
    Inter J Stomatol. 2013, 40 (2):  279-280.  DOI: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.02.039
    Abstract ( 1646 )   HTML ( 3 )   PDF(pc) (353KB) ( 724 )   Save

    Due to changes in the physiology, livelihood, and health habits, pregnant women prone to a series of oral problems such as gingivitis, periodontitis, loose teeth, gestational gingival tumor and caries, et cetera, which can increase the risk of adverse birth outcomes, like premature birth and abortion. Correct and timely prevention during pregnancy can reduce the number of oral problems and the consequent adverse pregnancy outcomes. This article was committed to review the research progress in pregnant women’s common oral problems, adverse birth outcomes, control situation and future prevention strategies.

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