Inter J Stomatol ›› 2013, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 592-594.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2013.05.010

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Comparison of general angle magnitudes measured using two kinds of cephalometric measuring software

Luo Houzhuo, Jia Lihui, Li Chengri, Zhang Wenjun, Zhang Xiaodong.   

  1. Dept. of Orthodontics, General Hospital of Shenyang Military Area Command, Shenyang 110015, China
  • Received:2013-01-22 Revised:2013-01-22 Online:2013-09-01 Published:2013-09-01


Objective To investigate and compare the general angles on coronal lateral position using a threedimensional analyzing software and the conventional Winceph 8.0 software. Methods Forty pre-orthodontic patients were radiographed with cone-beam computed tomography(CBCT) techniques. According to the identical condition, CBCT data were converted to cephalograms using Invivo Dental 5.0 software. Certain landmarks were measured using the threedimensional analyzing software and Winceph 8.0, and the measurements were repeated twice for each method. All data were subjected to statistical analysis, and rank sum test was used to determine the difference between the three-dimensional analyzing software and Winceph 8.0. Results No obvious differences on the general angle magnitudes at the coronal lateral position were observed between the three-dimensional analyzing software and Winceph 8.0. Conclusion The results from the measurement by the two methods did not show significant differences. This finding indicates that the threedimensional analyzing software and Winceph 8.0 exhibit the same performance. Moreover, the three-dimensional analyzing software indicated distinct superiority on certain landmarks.

Key words: three-dimensional analyzing software, cone-beam computed tomography, angle

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