Int J Stomatol ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (3): 263-268.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2021058

• Cleft Lip and Palate • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Relationship between the facial grimace and articulation of patients with repaired cleft palate

Aipiziguli Yakupu1(),Yaerken Aji2,Wu Yanhui1,Lu Lidan1,Xu Hui1()   

  1. 1. Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, People,s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830001, China
    2. Dept. of Stomatology, People,s Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi 830001, China
  • Received:2020-10-05 Revised:2021-01-02 Online:2021-05-01 Published:2021-05-14
  • Contact: Hui Xu;
  • Supported by:
    Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region(2015211C203)


Objective To investigate the correlation between articulation of pressure-sensitive phonemes and nasal/facial grimace of patients with repaired cleft palate. Methods This study included 98 patients of repaired cleft palate with nasal/facia during speech. Each patient underwent subjective speech assessment. The incidence and distribution of nasal/facial grimace during pressure-sensitive phonemes were summarized focusing on manners and places of articulation. Results The articulation manners of the highest incidence rate for nasal grimace were stops 57.14% (56 cases), fricati-ves 51.02% (50 cases), and affricates 35.71% (35 cases), whereas those for facial grimace were 42.86% (42 cases), 38.78% (38 cases), and 30.61% (30 cases). The articulation area of the highest incidence rate for nasal and facial grimace was bilabial, the lowest incidence rate was guttural, and other consonants, including lingua-palatal, blade-alveolar, alveolar, velar, and supradental. Conclusion Facial grimace is the most common speech disorder of patients with cleft palate, occurring in all stops, fricatives, and affricates. With the same articulation manners, the incidence of facial grimace decreased as the articulation places moved back. The children with severe consonant loss and compensation had minimal facial grimace.

Key words: cleft palate, nasal emission, nasal grimace, facial grimace, articulation

CLC Number: 

  • R782.2+2


Fig 1

Nasal grimace(A,B)and facial grimace (C,D)"

Tab 1

Distortion of facial grimace in consonants with different articulation manners"

构音方式 压力性辅音错误类型
省略 代偿、替代 弱化 鼻部扭曲 面部扭曲
塞音 /b/ 11/11.22 1/1.02 50/51.02 46/46.94 29/29.59
/p/ 7/7.14 1/1.02 58/59.18 47/47.96 31/31.63
/d/ 19/19.39 6/ 6.12 43/43.88 33/33.67 22/22.45
/t/ 2/2.04 13/13.27 49/50.00 43/43.88 29/29.59
/g/ 26/26.53 12/12.24 55/56.12 28/28.57 19/19.39
/k/ 4/4.08 18/18.37 70/71.43 38/38.78 27/27.55
/q/ 9/9.18 0/0 64/65.31 37/37.76 24/24.49
擦音 /s/ 12/12.24 18/18.37 62/63.27 34/34.69 31/31.63
/z/ 19/19.39 25/25.51 47/47.96 26/26.53 21/21.43
/?/ 17/17.35 22/22.45 45/45.92 29/29.59 23/23.47
/h/ 2/2.04 0/0 26/26.53 11/11.22 5/5.10
/?/ 9/9.18 7/7.14 50/51.02 19/19.39 7/7.14
/x/ 3/3.06 9/9.18 54/55.10 21/21.43 18/18.37
塞擦音 /?/ 11/11.22 23/23.47 55/56.12 29/29.59 30/30.61
/?/ 30/30.61 16/16.33 49/50.00 22/22.45 28/28.57

Tab 2

Distortion of facial grimace in consonants with different articulation places"

构音位置 表情扭曲类型[例数/发生率(%)]
鼻部扭曲 面部扭曲
双唇音 56/57.14 42/42.86
舌尖前音 45/45.92 33/33.67
舌尖中音 51/52.04 39/39.80
舌面音 38/38.78 33/33.67
舌面后音 48/48.98 35/35.71
舌根音 42/42.86 27/27.55
喉音 11/11.22 5/5.10
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