国际口腔医学杂志 ›› 2021, Vol. 48 ›› Issue (4): 405-410.doi: 10.7518/gjkq.2021073

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  1. 南京医科大学附属口腔医院正畸科 口腔疾病研究江苏省重点实验室江苏省口腔转化医学工程研究中心 南京 210029
  • 收稿日期:2021-02-12 修回日期:2021-04-13 出版日期:2021-07-01 发布日期:2021-06-30
  • 通讯作者: 严斌
  • 作者简介:邵冰婷,医师,硕士,Email: 838977012@qq.com

Research progress on the use of radiography to predict maxillary canine impaction

Shao Bingting(),Cao Dan,Yan Bin()   

  1. Dept. of Orthodontics, The Affiliated Stomatological Hospital, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Oral Diseases & Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of Stomatological Translational Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029, China
  • Received:2021-02-12 Revised:2021-04-13 Online:2021-07-01 Published:2021-06-30
  • Contact: Bin Yan



关键词: 阻生, 上颌尖牙, 预测


Maxillary canine impaction is a common dental problem. Predicting the potential of maxillary canines to become impacted at an early stage often reduces the severity of impaction and even allows the canines to erupt normally. Maxillary canine impaction can be predicted early by radiography. Radiographic tools include not only traditional two-dimensional radiographs, such as panoramic films, but also three-dimensional images obtained via cone-beam computed tomography, which was developed only recently. In this review, we summarized current progress in the early prediction of maxillary impacted canines via radiological examinations to guide the clinical prediction of maxillary canine impaction and the assessment of optimal treatment timing.

Key words: impaction, maxillary canine, prediction


  • R783.5


未萌尖牙牙尖位置分区法 1:位于连接阻生尖牙邻牙侧切牙远中冠根外形高点所形成的切线远中;2:位于区域1近中到侧切牙长轴远中之间;3:位于区域2近中到连接侧切牙近中冠根外形高点形成的切线之间;4:位于区域3近中。"


曲面体层片常用预测指标 A:尖牙牙体长轴与切牙中线间的角度;B:未萌尖牙牙尖至上颌牙合平面的垂直距离;R:右;L:左。"

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